sexta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2011

Jackson Ritter's production list

The first meeting with the whole Kassandra cast and crew happened some weeks ago. Several subjects were discussed, next meetings were sated. 

And the producer manager, Jackson Ritter (pic) took the moment to list the first demands – all really bizarre and apparently useless, but with more like comedy roles than realistic functions:

1 - Wall Tiles (Obs: use hot glue and silicon as options)
2 - Fake blood (Obs:  make it taste less metallic)
3 - Birdie (Obs: DO NOT kill any bird)
4 - Cockroaches (Obs:  they got to be genetically clean; Obs 2:  they are not supponse to escape during filming; Obs 3:  find a way to dope them without killing them)

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