This weekend, in Brasilia, Kassandra received the top prize of Online Film Festival: Best Picture by the Official Jury! In addition, our director Ulisses da Motta Costa, present at the event, also received the award for Best Director - the second he won for Kassandra.
The award ceremony took place on November 14 in the Auditorium of the University Center of Brasilia (UniCEUB). Kassandra was nominated for eight categories.
Thus, our short film arrives at seven awards mark! Remember here:
Gramado Film Festival (Mostra Gaucha):
Santo Angelo Film Festival:
CineSerra Film Festival:
Brasilia Online Film Festival:
Gramado Film Festival (Mostra Gaucha):
- Best Cinematography
Santo Angelo Film Festival:
- Best Director
CineSerra Film Festival:
- Best Cinematography
- Best Art Direction
- Best Music
Brasilia Online Film Festival:
- Best Film
- Best Director
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