quinta-feira, 12 de abril de 2012

You can help Kassandra!

That's it, folks! We are starting our crowdfunding campaign to complete Kassandra!

This is a cultural project conducted by a team of artists dedicated to making the best film possible. As our actress Susana Witt says: "Now is the time when we need help from friends and cinema fans."

Want to help us? It's simple: enter the site Catarse.me and choose an amount between BR $ 10,00 and BR $ 30,00 (or more). If you are from Europe or United States and to know how much it is in your currency, let me tell you: is very cheap:

  1,00 = R$ 2,40
US$ 1,00 = R$ 1,75

You can pay with your credit card and the system os 100% secure.

Each value means a reward: could be thanks in the credits of the film, could be DVDs, t-shirts and even some cards form Kassandra’s Tarot (see below all of them). And so you become part of this project too!

Check out our promotional video (in portuguese) and spread the project!

Thanks for everything guys! See the rewards:

- $ 10.00 or more - thanks in the credits of the movie, here on the blog and social networks.

- $ 30.00 or more - Thanks + official poster.

- $ 50.00 or more - Thanks + Poster + official DVD with extras and subtitles in English.

- $ 80.00 or more - Thanks + DVD + Poster + official set of five cards form the Kassandra’s Tarot.

- $ 120.00 or more - Thanks + DVD + Poster + Set + tarot cards movie + Official T-shirt

- $ 150.00 or more - Thanks official DVD + Poster + Set + tarot cards of the film Call + T-shirt + invitation for the premiere (only for Brazil).

- $ 300.00 or more - Credit as Associate Producer + DVD + Poster + official set of tarot cards movie + T-shirt.